At the Wise Institute, we treat a wide variety of men and women suffering from hair loss and desperate for a solution. Dr. Wise treats each patient individually, creating a custom tailored treatment plan which best works for their particular situation. Sometimes it is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy that gives the best results, or the use of prescription medicines that gives the best results, and others it is home-based light therapies like LaserCap or iGrow which will be the best course of action. In some instances, hair restoration surgery is the best solution. Often, it is a combination of different treatments in tandem which tackle hair loss best. Topical hair solutions are another option that Dr. Wise may recommend, which we have carefully formulated for men and for women.

For men
Our Alopecia Topical Solution for Men contains two incredibly powerful and effective ingredients – Finasteride and Minoxidil.
The blend of Finasteride and Minoxidil in our Alopecia Topical Solution is incredibly powerful yet palatable, option for hair loss prevention. Only available by prescription, it can both reduce hair loss, and help to thicken existing hair and generally improve scalp and hair health.

Minoxidil is perhaps best known as the active ingredient in Rogaine, a very popular hair growth solution which can be purchased over the counter. It’s known to be incredibly effective at both preventing further hair loss and helps to thicken existing hair in some cases , and can be very effective in both men and women when used consistently. Here at the Wise Institute, we use a prescription-strength 7% Minoxidil formula in our Alopecia Topical Solution for Men, which makes it a far more potent solution than over-the-counter Rogaine.
Finasteride, an FDA-approved drug, is known as an excellent treatment for male pattern hair loss. When taken orally in a form most commonly known as Propecia, it has been known to cause some side effects relating to sexual function. Luckily, research has found that the risk of these side effects dramatically drops when Finasteride is used topically, as in our Alopecia Topical Solution.
For women
Although hair loss is seen to be a problem men experience, it’s incredibly common for women, too. To treat it, we developed a custom formulation of Alopecia Topical Solution for Women which combines the potent prescription-strength 7% Minoxidil described above with a retinoid called Tretinoin.
Tretinoin is a type of Vitamin A which is often prescribed to treat acne, melisma, ageing skin and similar conditions, because it helps to improves rates of actual cell production in deep dermis layers. When used in our topical solution, Tretinoin is able to safely thin the top layers of skin on the scalp, allowing the Minoxidil penetrate deeper into the scalp tissues and can be highly effective in preventing hair loss and thickening the hair.

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